Winter Is Coming. Will The Grid Hold Up?

Antron D. Johnson
2 min readNov 15, 2021


Hon. Carroll G. Robinson

It’s almost Winter again and Republicans have still not fixed the Texas grid.

In case you have forgotten, in four (4) months-February 2022-it will have been one year since winter storm Uri.

Do You Remember what it was like to be left in the dark and the cold, for days, without electricity, heat or clean water? Don’t ever forget that feeling. As Texans, we lost power and lives because Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick and Attorney General Paxton failed us along with the Texas grid. This winter, be prepared. Don’t trust you and your family’s lives, health and safety to the Republicans, in Austin. You can’t depend on them to fix the grid.

It Can Happen Again! We could lose power again this winter, in Texas, because Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton have spent more time fighting with the federal government and driving our state backwards than they have collectively spent on working to fix the grid.

The electric grid, in Texas, is still broken and if you pay attention to the international energy market, the price of natural gas, what OPEC is doing, the energy shortages in other countries and the growing climate crisis, this winter we could once again be left in the cold and dark-without electricity-to fend for ourselves and our families. We need new and better state leadership, in Texas.

This winter every Texan needs to get fully prepared to survive for at least one week without electrical power. It’s better to be prepared for the worst while you hope it does not happen, then to have the power go out and not be prepared.

Next year, you should also make a plan to vote for new leadership for our State. It’s never too early to plan and prepare to do better for yourself, your family and our fellow Texans.

