Texas Can Be Better for All Texans

Antron D. Johnson
3 min readNov 15, 2021


Hon. Carroll G. Robinson

If you didn’t know it before, or didn’t want to believe it, we all know now that Republicans are consciously and systematically dragging Texas backwards into the past.

To Help Save Our State and keep Texas from falling backwards into the dark age of the 1940s pre-civil rights and pre-choice era, we need a Strong, Bold, Assertive and Strategic Texas Democratic Party (TDP) to organize and lead the fight against the Republican’s public policy, political and litigation attacks on our civil rights and civil liberties.

The Texas Democratic Party not only has to organize to win elections, we must now also engage in a comprehensive litigation strategy to fight back against the regressive, suppressive and hateful policies of Texas and national Republicans. TDP must also coordinate with our elected officials to articulate, advocate and advance a proactive message of what A Better Texas can be.

We should start with:

  • Protecting Texas Children & Families From COVID-19;
  • Fixing the Grid/Keep Our Utility Bills Low;
  • Ending The Pay To Play Political Corruption In State Government;
  • Making Law & Order Modern, Smart & Accountable all across Texas;
  • Reminding Texans that Republicans have been in charge of Texas for almost 30 years-a generation-and we still have No Real Property Tax Relief, No Appraisal District Reform & Homelessness and Crime have both gotten worse on the Republican’s watch; and
  • Overturning bad laws passed by Republicans.

Texas Democrats can’t afford to keep waiting for the “right” candidate for Governor before we start making the case on cable TV, broadcast media, social media and with digital ads that not only is Texas on the wrong track because of Republicans, but also that Democrats know how to get Texas back on the right track and have a comprehensive plan to do so, and to get it done now.

As Texas Democrats prepare for the 2022 elections, among our top priorities must be the election of judges at all levels, across the state, with a particular focus on electing Democrats to the Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals as well as all of our state’s Courts of Appeals.

Democrats need to let Texans know that we are fighting for their Freedom, Liberty and Justice — that Democrats are the Party of community and fairness.

If we are going to have true justice in Texas, we need a new (and politically diverse) Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Texas also needs a new Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and new United States Senator, in 2024.

If you have not noticed, Republicans are more aggressively using the Texas Supreme Court-and the Attorney General’s Office-to advance their regressive policy agenda and to undermine the fundamental principle of separation of power enshrined in the Texas constitution and to distort the Open Records Act to protect ERCOT from being held accountable for its failure to fix, upgrade and modernize the Texas electricity grid to keep Texans from dying in freezing weather or high heat. (Do you remember the Texas freeze from just a few months ago? Don’t ever forget.)

The Texas grid has still not been fixed and what has happened in New Orleans with their electricity being totally knocked out, can happen here in Texas too.

