Don’t Threaten Our Children’s Lives By Rushing To Prematurely Open Our Schools

Antron D. Johnson
2 min readJul 12, 2020

Hon. Carroll G. Robinson, Esq.

Putting our children, families, teachers, school district employees and communities at risk to rush and prematurely reopen schools is immoral.

Threatening funding for our schools and children if School Districts don’t rush to reopen is shortsighted and stupid.

How does cutting funding for our schools help keep our children safe and better educated? It does not do either.

We need more funding for our public schools to achieve equity to eliminate racial academic achievement gaps and to provide our teachers and school district employees better health benefits and a pay raise.

Politicians in Washington, DC, have forced the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to lower health safety standards for reopening schools across our nation. That is shameful.

Protecting our children is more important than any one politician being re-elected to public office.

Local School Boards, in consultation with parents and all their employees, should make the decision about when and how to reopen schools in Texas. That decision should me made based on sound medical information and local health conditions. Science matters.

When and How to reopen schools is an issue of local control and it should be made based on local conditions by local leaders, parents and school district employees.

Local School Boards across Texas should be prepared to sue the State and President, if he cuts their federal funding.

This is a fight for the lives of our children and the safety of our families and communities. This is an issue that is bigger than politics and economics. It’s bigger than a presidential election. It’s about who we are as a people and the health of our children.

